Why Does Our Freedom In Christ Seem Scary?

So many Saints seek structure, regulations, generational and religious traditions.  I used to!  Being a type A personality,  I tend to find structure and routine comforting.  But there was always something nagging at me inside.  I felt... trapped.  Limited.  Maybe even uninspired.

I sensed something I couldn't quite put my finger on. Then I saw it... Galatians 5:1.  And I can't unsee it.  Nor would I want to.  It is the thing I couldn't put my finger on but somehow innately knew was missing in all the structured ways I expressed my faith...

"So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law."  [Either to the letter,  or to tradition as well.]

It's as if our freedom in Christ is just too scary.  Or maybe we think our imagination will fail us if we step outside the Christian norm and into unchartered ways of expressing our faith.

There's nothing inherently wrong with tradition per se, but Saints... our God is in the business of imagination and creation!  He's bigger than we give Him room to be!  It is my opinion that we stifle His power in our lives if we're constantly trying to fit Him into our limited-reach routines and weekly activities. 

Routines, traditions, living life on a repetitive hamster wheel, I've been there, I get it.  It feels comfortable, safe even.  Known.

But what if these things are merely man's way of not trusting in the way we've been instructed to walk after the cross happened, which is...walking by the Spirit?  [Gal 5:16]  We often choose satisfying the flesh, or in this case... what is known, what is deemed safe inside society (Christian or otherwise.) We choose what is accepted, or dare I say expected, by those in our religious circles.

Maybe you want to break free from all that.   All you need to do is recognize you ARE ALREADY FREE.

We've been given freedom, Saints!   Why would we choose to follow a repetitive or strict religious script?   Our freedom makes room for God to get creative!

So be free.  Love Jesus.  Express that love. Trust the Holy Spirit within you.  Boom.  Imagination and possibilities will explode!  God is BIG y'all.  Let Him be.



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