We Are All Invited!

By: Amber Stephens 

I was going to post something else today but the Spirit led me here instead.   As of late,  a few accounts no longer follow my "honorGodsgrace" IG page.   I had a sneaking suspicion this might happen when I decided to make grace the sole message.   As most of you know,  I've been on a journey out of the lifeless, frustrating world of religious legalism and into the invigorating kingdom of God's grace, which is the true gospel of Christ.   I've tried to be careful not to hurt people's feelings when I speak on my experience or when I reference how I feel about church or other Christian traditions.   However,  some have still chosen to be offended.  I can't do anything about that.   My experience is my experience, and I can't water it down to appease those still engulfed by the traditions of religion.  When the Bible was written,  churches didn't even exist (not in the way we know them today,  the 1st church building wasn't erected until some 200 years later) so I find it curious that once again (reminiscent of how Paul warned the Jews in Galatians) we have made a slew of man-made traditions that we hold more dear to our hearts than Christ Himself.  [Mark 7:1-9, 1 Peter 1:17-19,  Col 2:8].  It is natural, I think, for man to give himself something to do.   But you see friend, Christ has done it all!   It is complete.  It is finished.  All that's required is your belief.  All He wants is your heart.

Because my heart belongs to Jesus, I can't help but seek the narrow gate (Him).  I'm drawn.  Curious.  So curious in fact,  that I'm willing to set aside ALL traditions and processes I once practiced so I can focus on the heart of the One I love.  Who is He?  How deep is His love?  What did His once-for-all sacrifice DO to me?  Who am I to Him?  What does He want for & from  me?  In a world that desperately tries to advise me in such matters,  I must admit,  I no longer want the world's advice (including sometimes, the advice of other believers).  It is Him I seek.   Him alone.   Not traditions,  not a place to go,  not a set of actions to prove what I believe.  No.  I seek Him.  His heart.  His  companionship.   His way.

My original post was going to say:  "Religion strives to get closer to God.  Relationship says you already are!"   1 Corinthians 6:17 confirms this truth.  I believe this whole-heartedly.  But instead of stating the obvious which has the ability to upset certain folks,  the Holy Spirit offered me this: "I don't want to divide.  I want to invite."  Invite you to what you ask?

Jesus.  Grace.  Love.  Relationship.  Freedom.  Truth.  Peace.

I want to invite you into the new covenant and encourage you to place the "old" in its proper place and context.

Galatians 5:1-10 warns us of falling back into slavery (of traditions & religious rules).  We should be reminded that relationship with our Savior always supercedes our activities and traditions.  Personally, I've decided that if I am a believer in the new covenant, that is, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, then I will heed this warning from Paul and guard myself diligently from all who preach otherwise. Faith in Jesus is not a mixture of old covenant and new.  It is the new alone.  Jesus alone.  And the promise made between Him and the Father at calvary.

And HE is what I'm inviting you to!

If your faith feels heavy.   If it feels like you'll never be good enough.  If it feels like God is angry at you.   If it feels like you can never do enough,  be "Christian" enough, or serve enough.  If it feels like it's not working, or you can't see how it helps you. If it feels more like duty than a loving relationship.  Then,  my friend,  I invite you to something different.   I invite you to the simplicity of the gospel.  The way it was meant to be,  designed to be!

And Good.

This is what the Father and the Son promised to you. They took care of the hard work.   They thought of your humanness ahead of time.   They saw what was needed... and they accomplished it all, one time, perfectly, for all time!  Now that's "the good news."

He LOVES you!  And I invite you to get to know just how much He does!

May His glory envelop you entirely!
May His grace quiet your worried soul.
May His love change everything you know.
May His relationship with you have no bounds or restraints.
May your freedom in Him remove all preconceived notions about what's needed from you.
May His truth reign supreme above all men and all religion.
And may His peace conquer every last fear of failure, for He alone has already conquered what is necessary, and He did it for YOU!

We've all seen the quote, "it's not a religion,  it's a relationship."  This couldn't be more true.   Do you dare to find out for yourself?
There's so
 much more to our relationship with Him than what we can see!
And I can't wait to journey onward, hand in hand, with the One who loves me most!
Will you join me? 

All My Love,

~May these 3 scriptures bring you peace~
James 1:2-4
Acts 17:25
Titus 3:5


  1. Very good read. Indeed God’s grace is what I need. I long for relationship over religion, and the peace that goes with it🙌🏽

    1. He's most definitely all you need my friend. Relationship with Him is His only desire for you! Thank you for reading. God bless you!

  2. I’ve been hanging out with Jesus and the woman at the well. Love how he invited her to drink from a source that would provide ongoing refreshment. Rivers of life. Abundant unending supply. What an invitation. Love your blog and IG site. I encountered Grace and the gift of righteousness ten years ago. I’m raptured. Forever changed. I especially enjoyed the repost of Mike and the Unsunday show. Basic truths that forever changed me. Today w Farley was awesome too. Jesus plus nothing is everything. Bless you.

    1. Thank you so much for reading! Yes, I enjoy both Mike and Andrew. They really help us understand Grace the Jesus intended it to be


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