A Letter To My Readers

A Letter To My Readers

By:  Amber Stephens

So many thoughts and ideas run through my mind throughout a day's time, and I wonder if I will ever be able to single one out and stay focused. Yet I know that when the moment is right and the inspiration hits, it'll come forth like a raging river spilling over its banks. Ahh, the writer's life. That's how it goes it seems. One minute, you're full and can't shut the flood gates, the next you're as dry as the Saraha Desert and desperate for a little bit of rain.

My meditation time is like that too. A few minutes of deep connection creates a plethora of feelings and ideas as I experience Jesus' love during our spiritual embrace. Then the next minute, when I step back into the real world, the place where we all live, everything seems uninteresting and void of color and meaning.

I want to find a way to bring that plane of existence back with me. But how? How can I ever write and express the conversations I've had with Jesus without sounding like a kook? How can I describe His perfect tenderness and never-ending wisdom, what if I miss the mark? I see a whole other world when I'm with Him. I can feel truth engage me as if it were raindrops on my skin and infused in the very air I breathe. I feel emotions at much deeper depths than I can outside of Him.

How do I describe a place, and a God, I know exist, but the world cannot see? How do I spend time with Him there, somewhere between heaven and earth, and then look forward to being here again? I wish I could explain. I wish I could take you there, where I meet Him, so that you could see for yourself. I guess this is why I write. In hopes I can give you a glimpse of what's waiting for us on the other side of this place, this life.

There is so much more my friend. So much more. I only hope you decide to meet Him there, in your own spot, where you can grow to know Him and everything He is. Because that's when fear no longer has a hold over you. When He reveals who He is, fear flees. I know enough of God to know that even if you feel it's impossible for you to see Him this side of heaven in the same way I experience Him, I know that I know, He will find a way to show Himself to you if only you would earnestly try. He knows your doubts, He knows the limits of your imagination. He knows your inner workings and He is the master at putting you where you need to be in order to receive Him.

I implore you to try. When was the last time you can honestly say you carved out time to sit quietly? And if you did, were there distractions like your kids or your phone, that constantly pulled your attention away with another request or notification? Trust me, I too, can struggle to sit quietly and still my mind, but it is only when I've purposely set everything else aside that I've been able to meet Jesus in that still quiet space between the realms. And once I do, nothing else matters. My time with Him fills me with a peace that surpasses all understanding, just like He promises, and I can tackle life with renewed vigor.

So, my friends, I will write. And I will continue to meet with Jesus. I will fight to find a way to bring these two things together on paper, not only for you, but also for me, so that I can have these truths recorded for future reference when I feel dry and unenthused, because as we all know, life has a tendency to dry us up and make us numb, and I want to be able to recount the precious moments where I've been with the Maker of the universe, so it can give me strength to carry on. And maybe, just maybe it'll give you a little strength too.  

God is real, I know Him, and I pray with all my heart that I can show you enough that you would want to know Him too.

God bless you, my friend.

Philippians 4:7 NLT

Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.


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