The Invitation -Part 3-


The Big Night

    The big night finally arrives.  You managed to hold it together throughout the week, and even decided that the idea of shopping for a new outfit was no longer important.  Afterall, the invitation never mentioned that it was a formal event. So, you figure, as long as you washed your face and showed up, that was going to have to be good enough. You could always peek through the windows to see what others were wearing and make a hasty escape back to your car if it came to that, but you were willing to risk it because you were simply exhausted from trying to figure this whole thing out. 

"I'll show up, take a look, and if I decide not to go in, then all is well that ends well” you declare out loud.  You put on your favorite playlist, head to your perch in front of the mirror and get ready for the mysterious evening like you would have for any other outing.  A few songs and distractions later, you sweep your hairbrush and make-up into the drawer feeling satisfied with what you've accomplished as you take one more look in the mirror.  You smile nervously and throw caution to the wind. "Ready or not, here I come! "



With butterflies in your stomach and a hopeful smile on your face, you round the corner to the street listed on the invitation and approach the most beautiful ornate wrought iron gate.  The landscaping was lush and filled with flowers and shrubbery you couldn't begin to name.  It was unlike anything you've ever seen.  The gate swings open as you drive near, and you take in all that your eyes can gather as you slowly pass by. A gentleman suddenly appears and tells you where to park and you step out of your car in awe.  You've never seen anything quite so fantastic.  Fountains, trees, ponds and flowers, all immaculately kept. With curious anticipation, you walk toward the door, and it dawns on you that by the looks of the grounds, this, IS by all accounts, a formal event.  You flush. Completely embarrassed. "I knew I should have..." you begin to say under your breath, but your self-disparaging words are interrupted by a most gorgeous woman who gently grabs your hand and welcomes you. She is positively radiant!  Her countenance almost glowing, and you instantly stop worrying about your clothes and feel a strange peace come over you.

You take a deep breath. "This is it" you think. With her prompting, you step over the threshold and into the grand entrance as goosebumps ravage every ounce of your skin.  Before you, are others, all with the exact same look on their faces as you must have on yours! Bewilderment!  Some are dressed to the 9's, others more casual like you, and still others that appear to be dressed in the only outfit they possess and looking a bit tattered and disheveled.  Yet everyone is smiling at one another almost as if they somehow know that this place is special, and that it didn't matter how you were dressed, what you look like, or where you came from.  You were accepted.  Wanted.  Welcomed.

Standing there gazing upon this marvelous site, you are at a loss for words and can't describe the feeling you are experiencing. You feel almost paralyzed but instantaneously know you are more able to move and be about than you ever have been in your entire life.  It’s as if there is something permeating the air and space around and within you, filling it with a presence that is whispering...well...LOVE.



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